Bradford No.1 Angling Association
2025 Club Rules
1. The name of the Association shall be ‘The Bradford No.1 Angling Association’.
2. The objects of the Association shall be as follows: To obtain fishing waters for the use of members and such other projects as the members may from time to time arrange.
3. The management of the Association shall be vested in a committee of members which shall consist of President, Past Presidents, Chairman, three Vice-Chairmen, Vice-Presidents, General Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Ticket & Licence Secretary, Match Secretary, Assistant Match Secretary, Treasurer and 18 other members.
With the exception of the Past-Presidents (see Rule 4) and Vice-Presidents (see Rule 7, 8 & 9) the committee of Senior Officials shall be elected in the following manner. Nominations shall be taken at the Annual General Meeting from members who have confirmed their willingness to stand either verbally at the meeting or in writing to the Secretary beforehand. A ballot will be taken and the person who receives the majority vote will be duly elected to office. All officials and committee members shall hold office for a period of three years, at the end of which they may seek re-election. Election of officials and committee members shall be staggered and appointments shall be in the following order:
1st Year - General Secretary, Chairman, Ticket & Licence Secretary, 1st Vice - Chairman and 6 other Members.
2nd Year - Match Secretary, Assistant Secretary, 2nd Vice-Chairman and 6 other Members,
3rd Year - Treasurer, Assistant Match Secretary, 3rd Vice-Chairman and 6 other Members.
Subject to termination of office by resignation or otherwise, all officials shall remain in office until their successors are appointed. The committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy that may occur. The quorum at all committee meetings shall be eleven, except for motions relating to the expulsion of any member, which shall be not less than two thirds of the total number of persons from time to time constituting the Committee.
4. The Presidential term of office shall be for a period of 3 years, after which his/her name shall be put on a Past-Presidents List, with power to attend and vote at all meetings of the Committee.
5. The General Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Ticket & Licence Secretary, Match Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Match Secretary, Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall all, when elected, be elected for a period of 3 years, with the right to seek re-election.
6. Any Senior Member must have served on the General Committee for 3 consecutive years before he/she can be considered for election as Secretary, Ticket & Licence Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Match Secretary, Assistant Match Secretary, Chairman or Vice-Chairman.
7. The Vice-Presidents list be limited to 10 members and they be elected for life.
8. Any vacancy created on the Vice-President’s list shall be filled by vote of the General Committee.
9. Anyone proposed for Vice-President must have 3 years unbroken committee service.
10. The President Elect will be elected by the Committee and such President Elect will assume the duties of the President on the retirement of the active President having regard to all Association rules governing period of office.
11. The term of office for all Officials elected at the October Annual General Meeting shall commence on the 1st January following.
12. There shall be three Trustees of the Association elected by the members, and they shall respectively hold the office until death or resignation unless removed from office by a resolution of the Committee or members. Any casual vacancy of the Trustees may be filled up by the Committee and the person so nominated shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting after such appointment when he/she shall retire, but he/she may be re-appointed by the members at such meeting.
The property of the Association shall (except in the case of a Trustee filling a casual vacancy unless the Committee shall think it otherwise desirable) be vested in the Trustees, and they shall deal with the property as directed by resolution of the Committee (of which an entry in the minute book shall be conclusive evidence) and they shall be indemnified against risk of expense out of the Association’s property.
A statement purporting to be signed by the Chairman of the meeting of the Committee of the Association that a resolution has been passed for the sale, letting, mortgaging or otherwise dealing with the property of the Association or any part thereof shall be conclusive evidence of the facts therein stated in favour of a purchaser, lessee, mortgagee or other person entering into a dealing for value of such property or any part thereof.
On the death, resignation or removal from office of a trustee or trustees the members may by resolution nominate a person or persons to be a new trustee or new trustees but so as not to increase the number of trustees to more than three. For the purpose of giving effect to such nomination the President is hereby nominated as the person to appoint new trustees of the Association within the meaning of Section 36 of the Trustees Act 1925 and he/she shall by deed duly appoint the person or persons so nominated by the members as the new trustee or new trustees of the Association and the provisions of the Trustee Act 1925 shall apply to any such appointment. Any statement of fact in any such deed of appointment shall in favour of a person dealing bona-fide and for value with the Association or the Committee be conclusive evidence of the fact so stated.
13. Any two of three persons appointed by the Committee for the purpose shall be entitled to sign cheques on behalf of the Association.
14. The Association shall not be dissolved and the consequent distribution of the Associations’ funds shall not take place except by resolution to that effect passed at a Special General Meeting called for the purpose and on a vote of at least three-fourths of the members of the Association present and voting at such meeting.
15. Neither the Association nor any member thereof nor the Committee nor any member thereof nor a Trustee of the Association shall be liable for or in respect of any loss or injury sustained by any member of the Association arising out of any act or omission negligently done or omitted to be done by the Committee or member thereof or a Trustee or member of the Association in or about the exercise or failure to perform or observe any duty owed to the Association or its members.
16. No person who is an official of any other Angling Association or Club shall be eligible for office in the Association.
17. An Annual General Meeting of members, of which due notice shall be given, shall be held in October of each year.
18. The Annual General Meeting and Half-Yearly Meeting be combined as one and is to be held in October of each year.
19. The Chairman shall preside at Committee Meetings and at the annual and other general meetings. He/she shall have a casting or additional vote in the event of an equality of votes.
20. Members under 18 years of age are not allowed to vote at the Annual General Meeting.
21. The financial year of the Association shall end on the 31st December and an Annual General Meeting of which proper notice shall be given and shall be held in October of each year and at such Annual General Meeting there shall be presented an Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet audited by a qualified auditor.
22. The Committee shall appoint a professional Accountant to examine all books and documents relating to the Association who shall forward a report of the same together with the usual accounts and balance sheet for presentation at the Annual General Meeting every year. The Accountant shall be appointed annually by the Committee and the retiring Accountant shall be eligible for re-election.
23. No new rule shall be made and no existing rule shall be amended, altered or rescinded, except by resolution passed by three-fourths of the members present and voting at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting called for the purpose of which seven days notice shall be given either to each member personally or by advertisement or announcement in the local newspaper. Any member wishing to propose any alteration, amendment or rescission of any existing rule or any new rule shall give notice in writing containing particulars thereof to the General Secretary at least 30 days before the Annual General Meeting. Alternatively a member may propose a rule change as set out above, particulars must be given in writing, however the proposer can request on submission that actual detailed rule change be made by proxy, if successful by the General Committee or himself with the assistance of the General Committee.
24. The meetings of the Committee shall be held on the FIRST THURSDAY of every month at 7.30pm. Special Committee Meetings may be called at the discretion of the Chairman and must be called if requested by at least six members of the Committee.
25. (a) The Entrance Fee shall be £20.00 and shall be payable by Seniors, Ladies, O.A.P. & Intermediate Members.
(b) The Annual Subscription shall be as follows: Senior Members (20 years and over) £65.00, Ladies and Senior Citizens (65 years and over) £40.00, Intermediate Members (17-19 years) £40.00. Juniors £5.00. Any new Senior Member joining between 1st October and 31st December will pay 50% of the current Senior subscription and the full entrance fee stated in Rule 25a.
No Member shall be entitled to fish the Association’s waters unless he/she has obtained an ‘official receipt’ for his/her subscription for the current year and must be placed in the space provided in their ‘card of membership’ and which must be shown to any bailiff, watcher, official or member of the Association on demand. The ‘card of membership’ shall take the form of a ‘year book’ which shall contain a copy of these rules and a copy thereof shall be handed to every member on payment of his/her annual subscription.
26. That the Association reintroduce the Intermediate section of membership, to be the same cost as the Ladies and O.A.P. membership, for the ages 17-19 year age. This membership can only be obtained on-line and new membership to the association must pay the current entrance fee. Intermediate Membership is to be treated as the same status as a Senior Member.
27. Each member of this Association be allowed only one year book.
28. Membership of the Association shall be restricted to 4,500 members, including juveniles.
29. Membership of the Association shall extend from 1st January to 31st December in each year.
30. Any member wishing to renew their membership must do so within that current year (i.e. no later than 31st December). Any member not renewing their membership by this date each year shall be deemed to have let their membership lapse and must re-apply for membership in the normal way.
31. Admission to membership shall be at the discretion of the Committee.
32. The Committee shall have power not to renew the membership of any member of the Association.
33. If the conduct of any member shall, in the opinion of the Committee, be injurious to the interest and character of the Association, the Committee after a fair hearing shall be empowered to expel him/her from the Association, but only on the vote of at least three-fourths of the members of the Committee present and voting at the meeting at which such hearing shall take place or any adjournment thereof. The voting shall be by ballot.
34. Any member having cause for complaint shall state the same in writing to the General Secretary, who shall bring it before the Committee at their next meeting and the Committee shall deal with such complaint in such manner as they think fit.
35. Any member who shall cease to be a member of the Association from whatever cause shall have no claim upon the property of the Association nor have any part of his/her subscription returned.
36. Any member of the Committee absenting him/herself from three consecutive Committee Meetings without satisfactory reason to the Committee shall be no longer hold office.
37. The Committee shall arrange the rules of any fishing match, and under no condition shall the match be legal if the rules thereof are not displayed or read out immediately before the match commences.
38. The match entry fee be decided by the Match Committee. Monies to be paid prior to the match (see match Rule 16). Ladies wishing to fish for the trophy only, may enter the match free of charge.
39. No member shall be entitled to fish the Association’s matches unless his/her current year’s subscription has been paid prior to the match.
40. All trophies shall be fished for annually. None of the Association’s trophies can be won outright.
41. Any trophy not collected at the prize distribution must be collected at the Match Secretary’s address, failing which it shall remain in the hands of the Association until the following year. All trophies must be delivered to the Match Secretary’s address at/or before the end of August in each year.
42. Any member being the winner of an Association Trophy must ensure that the Trophy is collected by themselves or an associate at the Annual Prize Presentation. Should the member not do so, he/she shall pay into the President’s Charity Fund a sum not less than one-third of the Annual Subscription for a Senior Member before being allowed to take part in future Trophy Competitions.
43. All fish shall be returned to the water except pike, trout and grayling. These to stay at limits now in operation for rivers and canals. Size limits for pike (under 5lbs), trout (12”) and grayling (12”). When fishing for pike the Environment Agency Rules shall apply regarding live and pike baits.
44. Two fish only may be taken in one day’s fishing (see Rule 43).
45. - All members fishing for pike must use a minimum of 15lbs reel line when using bottom baits or lures and a minimum of 10lbs reel line for surface fishing.
- All pike of 5lbs or more must be returned alive and not taken from the water of capture.
- Any member fishing for pike will require a 42” size landing net.
46. A member shall be allowed to fish with only one rod and line on Association waters. Permits may be purchased, allowing exceptions to this rule and are as follows:-
(a) A second rod permit is available to members who wish to fish with 2 rods. The permit and its use shall be subject to the following conditions:
- Annual cost to be determined and set by the associations committee.
- One permit only per member
- Both rods to be within reach
- No encroachment on other anglers’ swims.
- All baited rods and lines must be removed from the water if the member leaves the swim.
(b) A third rod permit is available for the Knotford Lagoon and Kirklees Lagoon fisheries, allowing members to fish with 3 rods all year, as long as they have the correct Environment Agency licence.
(c) Any member purchasing a 2nd/3rd rod permit will be allowed to take a ‘junior non-member’ fishing as a guest, using their 2nd permit for the junior.
(d) There is available annual night permits and also winter night permits (1st Nov to 31st March). These night permits allows a member to fish Knotford Lagoon and Kirklees Lagoon fisheries. The number of permits issued is controlled by the committee, who also determine the cost and stay of a single night visit/session.
47. Rules specific to specimen carp angling are as follows:-
(a) Specimen carp angling rules listed in the website must be followed.
(b) All carp over 5lbs must not be retained in keepnets or retaining slings and must be returned to the water as soon as possible after capture, unless caught in a fishing match, when they may be retained in a keepnet but must be returned to the water immediately after weighing.
(c) All members fishing for leather/common/mirror carp must use a minimum of 15lbs reel line when using bottom baits and a minimum of 0.3mm reel line for surface/floater/zig fishing.
(d) Any member fishing for carp will require a 42” size landing net.
48. The annual closed season for freshwater fish on rivers shall be the period from 15th March until 15th June and any closure of waters shall be at the discretion of the Committee.
49. The period between 25th March and 16th June the following baits only shall be allowed on rivers: Fly, Minnow, Worm and Artificial Lure. All other baits are barred.
50. On all waters where for safety or other reasons the Association rule that, ‘Juniors must be accompanied by an adult’, the number of Juniors shall be limited to two per adult and must fish in the immediate vicinity of that adult.
51. The use of remote controlled boats are prohibited in any Association waters.
52. No fishing between 1 hour after sunset til 1 hour before sunrise (except Maunby Top Length & night fishing permit holders). For night venue access, none night ticket holders must not enter before 6am and must have left the venue by 9pm from 1st April to the 30th September. Outside these dates the times will revert to 1 hour before sunrise and 1 hour after sunset, where none night ticket holders must leave the venue. This only applies to venues with night permits.
No dogs allowed. No poaching. No camping. No litter. No fires. No gates left open. No Firearms. No wandering into fields from water’s edge. No radios. No trout to be kept in keepnets (except matches where specified). No bait tins allowed. No more than 2 fish to be taken (see Rule 44).
53. Any member or guest-angler fishing the Associations waters must remove from their peg all litter and wasted line. This shall include any litter found in the peg on arrival.
54. For night permit venues there are specific rules as follows:
(a) There are night permits available. See rule 46d for details.
(b) Members may fish with 3 rods all year. See rule 46b for details.
(c) All nets, mats and slings used at these fisheries must be immersed in the dipping bin, following the given instructions at the fishery, prior to use.
55. All existing night permit holders have first refusal until the 1st February to renew their night permit before they are released on general sale to the membership.
56. All new venues or existing Association waters whose lease is up for renewal should be reviewed for the possibility of night fishing being available.
57. That extended fishing hours be made available to members on the: River Swale; Thornton Bridge, Asenby, Gatenby, Maunby, River Calder; Gravel Pits, Bream Fields, Cooper Bridge and Cowthorpe (Cowthorpe Summer Period Only) by way of an extended hours permit. The extended hours will be limited to 11:30pm (BST) during the summer months (June 16th to October 31st) and 10:00pm during the Winter Months (1st November to March 14th) where the farmer/riparian land owner allows it and it has no detrimental effect to the local populous and does not hinder animals whether they be farmed or wild and does not infringe on any S.S.I’s or S.S.S.I’s. The extended hours permit will be unlimited in terms of numbers that can apply and the permit will cost £20.00 each and cover the above mentioned venues. All permit holders will be expected to bailiff/check permits any water they are fishing to ensure that any poaching does not take place. Any monies raised by the sale of these permits will be specifically assigned to the clubs river venues to aid improving stocks of coarse fish, improving access and forming specific areas with easy access for disabled/less mobile anglers.
58. All illegal substances and their use are prohibited on ANY of the associations venues. Anyone found breaking this rule will immediately lose their ticket and appear in front of the committee.
59. That day tickets be sold for the Chellow Dene fishery.
60. All night permit holders must attend at least two official working parties per year, from a minimum of eight organised dates per year. Any night permit holders not attending two working parties must pay a £50 levy or face losing their permits the following year.
AGM Standing Orders
1. The business of the agenda sheet shall take precedence, when it is finished other business may be taken by permission of the Chairman for the time being.
2. Members must confine their remarks to the subject under discussion, the ruling of the Chairman upon points of order shall be absolute and without appeal.
3. In cases of equality of votes, the Chairman at any meeting shall have a second or casting vote.
4. No motion shall be discussed until it is seconded, a member may however, second a motion and reserve the right of speech for a later period in the debate.
5. Whenever an amendment is made upon an original motion, no second amendment shall be taken into consideration until the first is disposed of.
6. If the first amendment be carried it shall displace the original resolution, whereupon any further amendment may be moved in succession as above mentioned.
7. If the first amendment be negative then the second may be moved, but only one amendment shall be discussed at a time.
8. No member, except the mover of a proposition or amendment shall be allowed to speak more than once upon the same question, unless permission be given to explain, or the attention of the chair be called to a point of order.
9. The mover and seconder of every proposition, amended proposition or amendment shall have the right of reply to arguments brought against the motion or amendment immediately after which the question shall be put from the chair.
10. Any debate may be closed by a resolution that the question be now put being moved, seconded and carried, the same to be put to the meeting without debate, but no speech be interrupted for the purpose of proposing such a motion.
11. A meeting may be adjourned by a resolution of the member’s present, but no business shall be done at an adjourned meeting, except such as was left undone at the meeting from which such adjournment took place.
12. The proposer of a motion or amendment shall be allowed ten minutes for his speech. The seconder and all other members speaking shall be limited to five minutes.
13. Whenever the Chairman rises to speak, other members must immediately be seated and all conversation cease. No member shall rise until after the chair is resumed.
14. These orders may be suspended at any meeting when two-thirds of the members present vote for their suspension.
15. Any minutes made at a Committee Meeting may be rescinded at a later Committee Meeting, providing there is a two-thirds majority of the Committee present and notice be given to the Secretary, seven days beforehand to enable it to be placed on the agenda.
16. Any proposition placed on the agenda for the Annual General Meeting cannot be withdrawn on the evening, therefore must be passed or defeated by the members of the Association attending.
17. Any member shall not have more than 3 propositions placed on the agenda at the Annual General Meeting.
18. On leave being granted by the meeting, strangers may be admitted, but they must withdraw on being requested to do so by the Chairman.
19. A meeting can be adjourned by its own resolution only, unless the Chairman adjourns the meeting without putting any questions.
20. The business of the meeting shall be conducted in accordance with these rules and in cases not provided for, the Chairman shall decide and his decision shall be final.
Specimen Carp Angling Rules
1. Carp mats – Sided mats only allowed with a minimum of 90cm with a padded base and sides of non-solid construction. The use of cradles or any mat raised from the floor is prohibited.
2. Carp care – Anglers should have everything prepared before removing the fish from the water. Carp can only be removed from the water once and to be on the bank for a maximum of 5 minutes. When returning fish use an open retention sling and allow the fish to recover. Do not just tip back.
3. Carp care – All anglers must carry a carp care kit and use it to treat hook holds or any wounds, etc.
4. Carp care – It is mandatory that all anglers carry a water bucket, to keep mats wet at all times and to keep fish wet whilst out of the water.
5. Carp care – No standing for photographs of a fish. Fish must not be lifted above the knee height.
6. Rigs & Safety – Bradford No1 AA appointed bailiffs can and will carry out rig and terminal tackle safety checks.
7. Feed – Boilie and pellet are the only feed that can be introduced whilst fishing for specimen carp on any association waters. Surface anglers can only use floating pellet. The use of correctly prepared nuts and particles is allowed as a hook bait only.
8. Distance – Anglers will be allowed to be away from their own swim for assisting a fellow angler with landing or photographing a fish and this must be limited to a maximum of 1 peg and this must not be round corners on to other banks and must comply with current EA rules.
9. Fishery management – Anglers must submit all catch reports of specimen carp using the form on the Contact page of our website, which will include: weight, date of capture and a photograph of both sides of the fish. These must be submitted within 21 days of capture. (Data to be used to track growth rates, health, etc. and the association reserve the right to use an occasional picture when advertising the association.)
10. The use of braid as a mainline is not allowed for specimen carp fishing on all association waters.
11. Feed - Fresh bait (non shelf life) only to be used for targeting specimen carp on all waters.
12. The use of remote controlled boats are prohibited on any association water.